Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions become necessary for many different reasons, however, generally when one or multiple teeth become compromised due to trauma or an infection, an extraction will be recommended. Nobody likes losing a perminant tooth, therefore, Dr. Nima Mashhoon ensures he considers any possible options for treatment before an extraction is recommended. If an extraction is necessary, we ensure the procedure is quick and painless. Give our dental office a call if you are suffering from tooth pain so we can schedule a consultation.

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What is a Tooth Extraction?

The term extraction is referred to removal of an item, in this case, a tooth or teeth. Extractions can be recommended for several reasons but the most common reason is a teeth/tooth not being restorable or a severe infection, where an extraction is urgent. There are different forms of extractions; pediatric extractions, simple extractions, surgical extractions. All of which will be discussed below.

Pediatric Tooth Extractions

This process consists of the removal of baby or primary teeth. Pediatric teeth may be removed for several reasons. Some of the most common reasons are due to teeth crowding, gross or large decay, infection, mobility issues causing discomfort, teeth become compromised and are non-restorable, or an extraction has simply been recommended by an orthodontist.

A young girl that has had her pediatric teeth extracted

The Process of Removing Pedatric Teeth

The process of an extraction for a pediatric dentist is very simple and quick. During pediatric extraction, dental anesthetic (numbing) may or may not be warranted depending case by case. Dr. Nima Mashhoon will discuss this with the parent or legal guardian before treatment. The tooth in question will then be removed and the site will be irrigated with the appropriate solution.

Cotton roll/gauze will be placed in the site to promote healing and hemostasis (stopping of bleeding). OTC (over the counter) pain medication will be recommended unless others are warranted. Your dentist will discuss post-operative medications with the parent or legal guardian after the procedure.

Simple or Surgical Tooth Extractions

This is the process of removing permanent or adult teeth. Some of the most common reasons for tooth extractions are due to crowding, gross or a large amount of decay, infection, discomfort caused by mobility, teeth become non-restorable due to damage or trauma, a patient electing to remove a tooth rather than proceeding with treatment, or due to an orthodontist’s recommendation.

An adult women smiling after getting an adult tooth extracted

The Process of Removing Adult Teeth

The process of an extraction is simple. During the extraction, dental anesthetic (numbing) will be administered by Dr. Nima Mashhoon, for maximum patient comfort. During some complex cases where the tooth structure is compromised either via large decay of the tooth, or a fracture of the tooth, the extraction process will need some additional steps to accomplish the goals. In the case that the procedure is more complex, a flap (reflection of the gums) may be warranted for the removal of the tooth/teeth.

Moreover, trough (removal of bone) around the tooth may be warranted to remove the tooth successfully. While these methods may need to be performed, they will only be performed when necessary. The tooth will then be securely removed and the site will be cleaned both mechanically and also with a solution to remove decontamination from the region.

The site will then be sutured closed if deemed necessary or allow to self-heal.  Cotton roll/gauze will be placed in the site to promote healing and hemostasis. OTC (over the counter) pain medication will be recommended unless others are warranted. We will discuss post-operative medications with the parent or legal guardian after the procedure, if the patient is a minor. The most common reasons for adult teeth extractions is due to the need to extract wisdom teeth. These teeth are the last to come in often times cause complications.

Tooth Extractions Post-Op

While we strive to make each and every procedure as comfortable as possible, post-operative discomfort is expected after an extraction. Discomfort will vary from patient to patient and case by case. Medication will aid as well as proper post-operative care that will be given to you after the procedure. Following post-operative instructions will enhance healing. Bone grafting may be necesary after a tooth extraction to ensure the void in the jaw bone is filled in to retain the integrity of the area.

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