Complete and Partial Dentures

Complete and partial dentures can bring back chewing and speech capabilities that are lost due to losing teeth. By scheduling an appointment with our dental office in Santa Maria you can be evaluated for complete or partial dentures to determine what is right for you. We will work with you to ensure you are happy with not only the look and feel, but also the functionality of your dentures so that you will have the best possible outcome.

“We give you a reason to smile!”

Complete or Partial Dentures: Which is right for you?

Dentures can be in two forms. One form is a complete denture and the other is a partial denture. You will be recommended a complete or a partial denture based on your unique scenario. A dental exam will be required to determine what type of denture you are a candidate for. Not everyone is a candidate for dentures, therefore, we do have other restorative dental solutions available like porcelain or gold bridges, amalgam fillings, crowns and more. Make an appointment with our office in Santa Maria and lets us recommend the best solution for you.

What is a Complete or Partial Denture?

Partial dentures fill a partial void or gap between existing teeth, and complete dentures replace all the teeth. Depending on your unique situation, we can determine and advise which type of denture would be best for you. Receiving dentures is a multi-stage process, therefore, on your initial consultation, we will discuss each stage and why it is important in achieving a set of dentures that is right for you.

A man holding his partial dentures

Partial Denture

A partial denture is a removable appliance that replaced some of the teeth per the arch (Maxilla or Mandible). This appliance is utilized to be worn and removed as desired. The missing teeth are replaced by acrylic or other material to show the appearance that teeth are not missing. The denture will be retentive by being supported by your natural remaining teeth and other mechanical methods based on your case and dental anatomy. While partial dentures are a great way to replace missing teeth and prevent your other teeth from shifting, not every patient will be a great candidate for partial dentures. A full examination and consultation will be needed before treatment can be recommended.

A graphic of a complete upper denture

Complete Denture

Another form of a denture utilized in dentistry today is a complete (conventional) denture. This denture is recommended when the patient is either lacking all of their teeth in a particular arch (Maxilla or Mandible) or the teeth’s prognosis is such a way that removal and replacement with a complete denture is advantageous for the patient. Like partial dentures, conventional dentures can be worn and removed when desired. Being that there is a lack of neighboring teeth to help support the appliance like partial dentures, conventional dentures will rely on mechanical retention and/or the addition of, denture adhesives, for better support and functionality.

Complete and Partial Denture Limitations

While both partial and conventional dentures are appliances to replace missing teeth, they do have some limitations. Being that they are a removable appliance, they do not have the same performance and impact as natural teeth when it comes to chewing. This is partially due to their mobility. One treatment associated with dentures that can dramatically improve their performance is the incorporation of dental implants. While the implants are integrated into the jaws, they will retain the dentures in place and allow for better performance when it comes to speech and chewing capabilities. A consultation will be needed to evaluate if you are a candidate. Please ask your dentist at Modern Smile Dentistry to see which treatment plan is right for you.

Denture Procedure

There are multiple stages when it comes to getting complete or partial dentures. Each stage plays an important role in ensuring the final product fits, looks, and functions optimally for the patient. We ensure each stage is completed perfectly so you will not be disappointed when you receive your dentures.

A model of dentures used to show a patient during the initial consultation


Depending on teeth needed to be extracted or replacing a current denture, the time frame of a new set of dentures can vary from weeks to months. In the case that the patient is already edentulous (without teeth) and requires a new set of dentures, the initial step will be the consultation. Here it will be deemed if implants are recommended for you.

A women smiling before she receives her impressions for her dentures


Once the treatment has been decided, an impression of the inside of the mouth will be captured as well as corresponding measurements. This is a similar process involved when receiving porcelain dental inlays and porcelain dental onlays. These will be sent to our highly qualified dental laboratory where they will be sent back for you to try in the new “molds”. Here the dentures models will be adjusted as needed to provide you with the best fit and occlusion (bite). Once that is confirmed, the dentures will be sent to the lab again, where teeth will be set.

A man smiling after he trys his dentures for the first time

Try In Stage

The next appointment will be the try in stage where you will be able to see how they look and feel inside your mouth. This will be the stage where you can change the teeth color, and other features if desired. Once this stage has been confirmed by your dentist and yourself, the dentures will be sent to the lab for final fabrication. The final appointment will be the delivery of the dentures. Here, your dentist will adjust and improve the fit on the dentures if needed.

A women brusing her dentures after the procedure

Post Procedure

Being that these will be a new appliance, it is expected for you to need time to get adjusted with your dentures. This is case by case dependent. While some can become adjusted immediately, others may need more time. Moreover, the use of dental adhesive may be needed for some patients. It is normal for you to experience increased saliva flow, some soreness and possibly chewing and speech difficulties, however, this will be improved with time as your tissues and facial muscles adapt to the new appliance.

Complete and Partial Denture Ongoing Care

While dentures are a great way to replace missing teeth, it is imperative to maintain proper oral hygiene (brush, floss, mouthwash – when applicable) to prolong the life of the dentures. With time, wear and tear may lead to a possible failure or fracture of the denture’s appliance as they need to be remade, repaired, or readjusted. Environmental and behavioral factors can contribute to these. It is always best to retain your natural teeth whenever possible, therefore, we will always consider root canals, fillings, or other restorative dental options before dentures, however, if you already have missing teeth and there is nothing left to restore, dentures or implants may be your only options.

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