Dental Onlays

Dental Onlays have been utilized for many years as a form of tooth restorations. Onlays are used to restore moderate to large sized tooth defects. Onlays are a great alternative to amalgam and composite fillings. Like any restorative method, they have their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, like any other restorative product, onlays will have a life span and may require replacement or additional procedure due to normal wear and tear. Please consult Dr. Nima Mashhoon to see which restorative option is best for you.

“We give you a reason to smile!”

What Are Dental Onlays?

Porcelain onlays, as well as porcelain inlays, are a great way to restore tooth/teeth that have been damaged by decay or other factors. While some restorations can be fabricated in the office, onlays will be fabricated in a dental laboratory so this process will require two appointments for completion. We recommend dental onlays for severe dental decay, a desire to replace a current onlay, due to fractured or broken teeth, and fractured cusps or fillings. Onlays can be fabricated from many materials but the most common ones are porcelain or gold. Both having their advantages and disadvantages, please consult Dr. Nima Mashhoon to see which is best for your dental needs.

A man calling a dentist on his cell phone for his first appointment to get onlays

What Can I Expect at My First Appointment?

As mentioned above, onlays will traditionally constitute two appointments. During the initial appointment, the treatment will be discussed with you. The tooth/teeth will then be numbed proficiently by Dr. Nima Mashhoon via dental anesthesia to achieve ultimate comfort during the whole procedure. The repair of the tooth via decay removal and preparing the tooth for the acceptance of the new restoration will be performed.

Once this has been accomplished, the tooth will then have an impression (mold of the tooth) captured of it to be sent off to the dental laboratory for the fabrication of the onlay. This process traditionally takes roughly two weeks. During this time, the tooth will be retro-filled with a temporary filling material, or a temporary onlay will be fabricated until the cementation of the final restoration.

A women smiling with happiness after her second appointment getting her dental onlays

What Can I Expect at My Second Appointment?

Upon the arrival of your second appoint, the tooth may or may not need to be numbed. This will vary case by case. The temporary filling will then be removed and the tooth will be cleaned to remove all decontaminates. The new onlay will be gently and precisely cemented into place.

The tooth will then be polished and the restoration will be checked for proper fit and finish. Your occlusion (bite) will be evaluated to make sure you are fully comfortable and the new restoration is functioning the way it is intended.

A girl brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush to ensure she cares for her dental onlays

Caring for Your Dental Onlays

While onlays are highly durable, it is imperative to maintain proper oral hygiene (brush, floss, mouthwash) to prolong the life of the onlay. With time wear and tear may lead to replacement or re-cementation of the onlay as part of normal wear. Dr. Nima Mashhoon or one of his trained professionals can exam your teeth and determine if you are a candidate for dental onlays or a replacement of an existing onlay. In the event you are not a candidate for onlays, we can determine if you may benefit from other restoration options like partial dentures, porcelain or gold crowns, or a porcelain or gold bridge. Often times, early intervention utilizing some of the restoration processes we have discussed can prevent the need for a root canal procedure or tooth extraction.

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Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM