Root Canal Therapy

Once tooth decay has compromised the root of a tooth, Root Canal Therapy or “RCT” is necessary to avoid continued tooth pain and infection. Dr. Nima Mashhoon and his trained dental specialists can perform the necessary oral evaluation to determine if Root Canal Therapy is right for you. If you have tooth pain or notice a potential infection, give us a call immediately and let us schedule an examination. We are here to help.

“We give you a reason to smile!”

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy, termed RCT, has been a dental procedure that has been utilized when the dental pulp (also termed, nerve) of the tooth has been compromised either via decay or other traumas, to alleviate the pain and discomfort, while preserving the tooth. Via decay and or trauma, the nerve of the tooth may be compromised by the outer elements. These elements will cause tooth pain which can lead to infection and possibly the loss of the tooth.

The idea of root canal therapy is to remove all of the content inside of the tooth, including the damaged nerve, bacteria, etc. The tooth would then be disinfected and retro-fill with a medicinal filling material called Gutta Percha. The tooth will then be restored appropriately to prolong the life of the tooth.

We recommend root canal therapy when you have a dental abcess, dental decay imposing onto or near the nerve or pulp, a fractured tooth exposing the nerve, an infection at the periapical region, a moderate to severe tooth pain, sensitivity to temperatures of hot or cold, swelling due to infection, or any other trauma to the tooth that has caused the nerve or pulp to have died.

The Process

Depending on the case, root canal therapy can be performed either in one appointment or two. There are times where the RCT may need to be performed by an endodontist (root canal therapy specialist). This will be discussed with you by Dr. Nima Mashhoon.

A dentist that patient reviewing the root canal examination


Before confirming that an RCT is warranted, proper diagnostic testing (vitality testing) will be performed. Once it has been confirmed that you would benefit from an RCT and not one of our other restorative denta procedures like a dental bridge, porcelain filling, or full dentures, the tooth/teeth will be properly numbed to achieve the maximum level of comfort for you throughout the during of the treatment. The tooth/teeth will be properly isolated using a rubber dam (a latex or nitrile barrier, isolating the tooth/teeth). If tooth decay is present, it will be removed prior to the access of the tooth to determine the restorability.

A radiograph showing the internal cleaning for a root canal

Internal Cleaning

The tooth’s nerve will then be comfortably accessed, to allow the cleaning of the internals of the tooth. Special dental instruments, such as endo hand and rotary files will be used in combination with a disinfecting solution to eliminate the damaged nerve tissue as well as the bacteria.

A number of wind up teeth that representing a happy patient after the gutta percha procedure is completed

Gutta Percha

Once it has been determined that the internals of the tooth have been successfully cleaned and dried, the internal of the tooth will be retro-filled with a medicinal material called, gutta percha. In combination with a dental sealer, the gutta percha will seal the internals of the tooth from the outside elements. Once the excess has been removed, the tooth will be properly sealed and restored (core build up), in preparation for a crown.

A women smiling after receiving her crown

Placing the Crown

If time and patient comfort allows, the treatment will be continued in placing a crown on the tooth. This process will replace the section of the tooth that was damaged and removed. Please see Dental Crowns for more information covering this process.

Two women laughing after their post op root canal therapy


Post-operative sensitivity may be experienced after root canal therapy. These discomforts may last for a few days and can be managed by OTC (over the counter) pain medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. The discomfort is temporary and should diminish with time.

A man brushing his teeth in the mirror to ensure the life of his root canal therapy and the crown


While RCTs are a great way to prolong the life of a tooth that has been exposed to trauma or extensive decay damage, which have damaged the pulp, it is imperative to maintain proper oral hygiene (brush, floss, mouthwash) to prolong the life of the tooth. With time, wear and tear, may lead to a possible failure or fracture of the roots based environmental or behavior factors. Other restorative dental procedures like dental inlays and onlays are also available depending on your unique case. We will ensure we are transparent about your all of your options so you an esnure you are getting the best dental services available.

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Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM